Chris Lattner Thesi: Macroscopic Data Structure Analysis and Optimization (2005)

How old is Chris Lattner? When is Chris Lattner's birthday? Where is Chris Lattner born? Where did Chris Lattner grow up from? What's Chris Lattner's age?

Chris Lattner Born: 1978 (age 46years)

Chris Lattner Education: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2005), University of Portland

Chris Lattner Doctor_advisor: Vikram Adve

Chris Lattner Awards: ACM Software System Award (2012)

Chris Lattner Current_partner: Tanya Lattner

Origin design and development

In 2022, the Modular company was founded by Chris Lattner, the original architect of the Swift programming language, and Tim Davis, a former Google employee. In September 2022, an initial build of Mojo was released internally by Modular Inc.

Origin design and development

In 2022, the Modular company was founded by Chris Lattner, the original architect of the Swift programming language, and Tim Davis, a former Google employee. In September 2022, an initial build of Mojo was released internally by Modular Inc.
